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Join up now and start reading better books.

The Sci Fi Book Club
was founded in 2014 as a way to explore the connections between classic and contemporary science fiction.

Our diverse community of more than 1,800 members is engaged and brings with it a wide variety of expertise and experience. With linguists, scientists, authors, visual artists, movie buffs, and other thinkers all reading the same book, our monthly meeting is always a vibrant and insightful way to work through our monthly selection.

We are book lovers dedicated to connecting and inspiring people through literature. Hoping to engage our membership? Researching alien cultures? Just trying to learn more about us? Come on in.

Our monthly selections are posted on Meetup in advance. Check out the platform and take a look at what we’re reading.

Selections alternate between classic and contemporary titles and are made every few months by our membership via poll.

In a future where humanity teeters on the brink, a group of explorers has discovered a library of texts studied by a 21st-century organization. This archive, filled with advanced knowledge from diverse authors, holds the key to saving our world.

Keep the conversation on our server! Share your recommendations, discuss movies and music, connect with other book lovers, and more on our Discord.